Next Workshop Closes In...
Next workshop in Mornington...
Sunday 23rd of July
at the Mornington Golf Club
@ 10:00am
Let’s Meet Face-to-Face and Ignite Your Spiritual Adventure
* very limited seating available *

Sunday 23rd of July, 2017

@ 10:00am @ Mornington Golf Club 
Tallis Dr, Mornington VIC 3931

Only 4 Seats Left...

Join our family of spiritual women who are tuning in and getting connected

Nicki Kuurman

Professional Kinesiologist and
your Workshop Hostess ;-)
Thinking about joining me at a Tune In and Get Connected Workshop?
This is what others in our Universal Community had to say...
Kristelle Dumas
"Words can not express the gratitude I have towards Nicki and our sessions together. A genuinely gifted healer and kinesiologist with an amazing intuition and beautiful soul. She is able assist you to look beyond the problem at hand to get a deeper understanding as to why you are experiencing whatever it is you are going through. Once this has been recognised, everything falls into place - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. With her assistance, she has helped me to trust my own intuition and inner guidance which has had a magnificent flow on effect to the well-being of my family, friends and clients. Thank you Nicki for all your guidance and support. I highly recommend this wonderfully inspirational woman!"
My anxiety was so severe I couldn't even go to family functions. I could not leave the house. Let alone hold down a job. My life changed the day I was told by a family friend that I should try kinesiology. Nicki was highly recommended so I booked in straight away. I had no idea what "kinesiology" was but I felt I should go lay on a table and listen to what this lady has to say. Little did I know this woman was going to change my life! Nicki uses a combination of kinesiology, reiki, crystal healing and intuitive healing. Instead of masking the problem, Nicki took the time to help work through my issues. She has taught me so much about the power of the mind and how much our emotions effect our physical body. I have also learnt so much about the power of meditation. I have never in my life felt so at peace with myself. Nicki has such a beautiful gift. She is a born healer and I hope one day to follow in her footsteps. I would love to help change someone's life the way she has helped change mine. I am so grateful to have met this extraordinary woman, Love and light always. Annie.
Annie Ward

"Today was brilliant...one of the main takeaways for me was...how to take the business even further"
Libby from Alma Luz Candles
Sheena from QI Medicine

"It was very timely that I can across Grace!  Today is was nice to know that its a lot easier than it was originally thought"

"Today was enlightening!  I could see the value not only to our brand but...additional value that I can bring to my clients"
Sarah from ICMS
Bridgette from BRC Bookkeeping

"Today was brilliant...its really cemented the fact that I need to focus on the future and how to build my business without needing more hours in my day"

"It was awesome!  Just learning about social media, learning different things that we actually didn't know and growing the business"
Leonie from Zuri Boutique
Sarah from Quiet Mind Meditation

"I loved today, today was a beautiful day.  Today was a day for me to step away from the business...and to hear some wonderful tips and insights!"

STOP!  So, What Are These “Tune In and Get Connected” Workshops...
And What Are They All About?
You will have the most calming and enlightening experience and learn to connect with your intuition. You'll discover how to relax and get calm ...or you pay nothing!

Develop Practical Strategies
We develop and explore some of my favourite tips on how to overcome fear and anxiety that hold us back in life.
We cover Tuning In to yourself, Tuning up to Spirit and Getting Connected with the Universe.
More Life, Less Stress
Everything you'll learn is focused on helping you build a calmer, more peaceful and happy life...
after all, couldn't we all use some more Universal Calm?
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